Thursday, February 22, 2007

A very happy little one





and oh yes, the occasional you-know-what.

Oh to be a baby again. Here is his schedule, along with the occasionally snuggling with mom and dad. He has got it made and you can see it on his happy face. He really is a happy boy and why wouldn't he be? His parents love him so much that they almost glow.

I had a wonderful time with you.

Friday, February 16, 2007

A little bit different...

A few days ago I did a session that is a little different than my usual sessions. It was beautiful, sensual, and a little bit sexy...(okay, maybe a lot sexy!)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Guest Book

You may remember this couple....

Well, they are getting married very soon now! They ordered a guest book, which has become one of my most popular products! The guest books look like this:

So I decided since I just finished up another one, I would share all the pictures that go into the book. The book is 20 pages, but mostly designed two at a time. That means that you will only see about 12 images, which include the cover page. I am really excited about these books and I hope it shows how much work goes into these.

Click here for the slideshow! Enjoy!