Yesterday we said good-bye to my baby brother. He is going to Spain for the summer to do a study abroad program and learn Spanish. He flew out yesterday and because of a shuffle with the flights, we had about 2 minutes to say good-bye..eventually they were calling his name on the loud speakers to get on the plane! Here are some pictures from yesterday...
Here are a couple actually from the other day at his going away party.
Yes ladies, he's single!

Here's the Orange Cat wanting to get in the pictures as usual.

Here's my favorite brothers on the end and husband in the middle.

Here's a self portrait by my husband...his arms are so long he can do it without getting a double chin!

We had to run to catch him because they bumped him on an earlier flight!

Here we all are...good shot, Dad!

And now he is running! He didn't miss his flight, but it was close!

And here's the family without Daniel...
we miss you Daniel!