We got back from Sweden on Saturday very tired after about 24 hours of traveling. It is not an easy trip with all of the connections and possible delays, but it is worth every minute! We were so blessed to meet many of our friends and family. Of course I stayed busy photographing...alot of friends are having or have had babies and it is so exciting! And there are even a few friends engaged to someone special. I promise to show pictures from the sessions, but first I wanted to show you pictures from the Vasaloppet; the biggest and longest ski race in the world! My husband competed in
the race, which is mostly why we decided to go to Sweden at this time. There were over 15,000 participants ranging in age from 18 to 85. The cross-country ski race lasts 60 miles, from a town called Sälen to Mora. It is a fantastic thing to watch all of the skiers zoom past you at the start line. It is truely overwhelming!
Here we are at the start very early in the morning.

Here is the start. Wow. Of course I have no idea where Martin is and a friend of mine and I decided to find him would be pure luck! It took probably 20-30 minutes for all of the skiers to go by.

We found Martin! He is doing so well!

And there he is again. He is at a control place this time. They have several control spots along the course. You can get water, sports drink, or the traditional blueberry soup at these stops. They also have someone there to rewax your skis if needed. Also, they have a time limit for each control place, so if you do not reach the spot by a certain time, the race is over for you.

And here he is at the end. For the competitors that come in by the winning time + 50%, they receive a medal. He finished right at 6 hours. The winner finished about an hour before. He did great!

For more information, you can go to http://www.vasaloppet.se There is an english button on the top right hand of the home page. If you want to see his stats, just search for Martin Andreasson, number 10941.
I will post more during the rest of the week. I took so many pictures that I overloaded my laptop, so I could not work on any of them...talk about torture! :)
It also means I have a lot of work to do this week!